Fragrance in the landscape

One of the many ways in which we experience the beauty of plants is through their fragrance.   Fragrance can have a powerful effect on us – it can lift our spirits and even bring back a pleasant memory.  Fragrance in the landscape comes from all types of plants.  Trees, due to their size and abundance of flowers, waft their fragrance and can fill the air of an entire yard and beyond.  Crabapples, Magnolias, Lindens are great examples of this. In shrubs, Lilacs are perhaps best known for their beautiful and powerful aroma, and many shrub roses also have appealing scents. Korean spice and Judd Viburnums have become favorite plants due to their many attributes, and for many, the scent of their flowers is among the top of the list.   Other shrubs with excellent fragrance are Daphne, Clethra, Itea and Mock orange.  Many flowering perennials also have fragrant flowers, including Dianthus, Peony, Phlox, and even many Hostas.   A few annuals that are fragrant include Petunia, Heliotrope, Stock, Nicotiana and Sweet Alyssum.   As you’re planning your next planting area, consider including plants with fragrant flowers, and you will look forward to their return year after year!

Steve Wagner Steve Wegner

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